Wednesday 22 February 2012

duck terrine

I recently had a craving for duck, and so the natural thing to do is go to the store buy myself and duck butcher it and experiment.  I butchered the bird like I would a chicken, but instead decided to use the the breasts to make a terrine.

Now here is the experimenting part.  I have seen many recipes for various types of terrines, I even enjoyed (probably the best duck terrine in my life) duck terrine at Paul Bocuses restaurant in Colonge Mont D'Or, Lyon France, called Chez Paul Bocuse.  The terrine was a very delicate flavoured one, almost smooth like a farce (forced meat) and so tasty.  I was inspired to try to make up my own recipe, which tasted very good, but I need to tweak the cooking time sous vide.

So here is what I did.  I chopped up the duck breasts in a blender, added my eggs, cream, and then of course seasoned it with salt and pepper and some fresh garlic.  But here is where I veered away from your typical duck terrine.  I added some French Brandy and some Marc de Bourgongne.  Marc is a very strong alcohol so I used very little and its made from the grapes in Burgandy France.

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